Thursday, March 26, 2015

Let's talk about nail damage and Jamberry

I've had a lot of customers come to me and tell me Jamberry damaged their nails.  So let's talk a bit about that and how to protect your nails.

Your nails are made of layers of keratin and are dead. They are like layers of an onion and like onion skin can get more fragile if you don't keep them hydrated and healthy.

 So right off the bat I will point out that the surface damage is cosmetic and will grow out.  

How do you avoid damage?  The adhesive on your wraps is STRONG.  This is why they can last up to 2 wks on your fingers.  GENTLE removal is essential to avoiding damage.  

NEVER EVER rip off your Jams.  Repeat after me - NEVER RIP OFF YOUR JAMS.

I apply Jamberry cuticle oil to my nail beds and cuticles daily.  I also will apply it under the Strengthening base coat.  I feel like it locks a layer of moisture in, protecting my nails, and the base coat provides the oil free layer for the adhesive to stick too.  If I am feeling particularly picky I will also put a coat of Orly Bonder on to help the Jams last even longer.

If you use your fingers to pick at things, the pressure against the wrap can pull it up and it is essentially yanking them up and can damage your nail if you aren't careful.  File your nails at a 45 degree angle so that the wrap is slightly shorter than your nail.  When you pick it will hit the nail and not the wrap, resulting in less damage.

When I remove my Jams I always warm them up by running hot water over my nails to soften the adhesive and then use my thumb to break the seal around the edge of the wrap.  Then I dunk my finger into Jamberry's new lacquer remover for 5 seconds and then slowly work the wrap off with a flosser I have coated with remover.  My Jams slide off like butter and I have zero damage.

Check you my YouTube Removal Video on how I take mine off.

Never rush removing your Jams. 

All that being said Jams aren't for everyone.  And that's ok.

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